
Introduction to Faculty Staff

NONOMURA Toshiko|Professor

Social History of Education II
 When we talk about families, children, and the lives of men and women, we tend to unconsciously build ideals of how things should be, or how we think things already are in the first place. In recent years, historical research has expanded its focus to include such areas, and has questioned the self-evident nature of modern and contemporary society. In my laboratory, we study the “premise” of education by carefully following the formation process of our own cognitive frameworks, such as existing forms and ideal images, on themes related to children, family, and gender. I have followed this through the history of England’s projects for the protection of poor children (such as orphanages and free clinics). Seminars emphasize the process of exploring individual interests and issues, and working together to critique research literature, make presentations and discussions, and share the latest findings in order to improve on perspectives and analytical skills.