
Entrance Examinationentrance-examination

Early August
Open Campus & Research Trial for High School Students in the School of Education
Application for Comprehensive Selection (former AO Entrance Exam) and International Entrance Examination (Tentative)
Early October
Application for the Common Test for University Admissions
Comprehensive Selection (former AO Entrance Exam), 1st Round of Selected Essays (Tentative)
Early November
Announcement of Successful Applicants (Tentative): Comprehensive Selection (former AO Entrance Exam) and International Entrance Examination 1st Round
End of November
Comprehensive Selection (former AO Entrance Exam), 2nd Selection of Presentations and Interviews (Tentative), International Entrance Examination, 2nd Selection of Presentations and Interviews (Tentative)
Late December
Announcement of Successful Applicants (Tentative): Comprehensive Selection (Formerly AO Entrance Examination) (7 Students)
Common Test for University Admissions
Late January
Announcement of Successful Applicants (Tentative), International Entrance Examinations (3 Students)
Late January –
Early February
Application for the First Semester Individual Achievement Test (Tentative)
Late February
First Semester Individual Achievement Test (Tentative)
Early March
Announcement of Successful Applicants (Tentative): First Semester General Entrance Examination (36 Students)
Admission Procedure Period (Tentative)