Student who graduate from the School of Education may chose to become researchers after completing higher education, engage in government administration, or specialize in family court investigations. Students have also entered the workforce of financing, insurance, service work, mass communication and advertising, information processing and manufacturing, among others.
- 1.Routes Chosen after Graduation
Route 2007 2008 2009 2010 Further Education 22 19 22 27 Employment 22 23 22 21 Other 8 10 9 6 Total 52 52 53 54 - 2.Primary Employers
- Government Administration Office: Fukuoka Prefectural Office, Kumamoto Prefectural Office, Miyasaki Prefectural Office, Fukuoka City Government Office, Kita-Kyushu City Government Office, Kumamoto City Government Office, Sasaguri Town Hall, Kyushu University, etc,.
Postgraduate Outline
The following five majors are available atIn the Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies’ master and doctoral course:
- 1.Urban Symbiotic Design Major:
(Master) Urban Design Course, Urban Disaster Management Course, Continued Urban Architectural System International Course.
(PhD)Urban Symbiotic Design Course, Continued Urban Architectural System International Course.
- 2.Human Symbiotic System Major:
- Clinical Psychology Guidance, Research Course, Social Symbiosis Course.
- 3.Behavior System Major:
- Psychology Course, Health Behavior Course
- 4.Education System Major:
(Master) Modern Educational System of Practice Course, General Human System of Formation Course.
(PhD) Educational Studies Course.
- 5.Airspace System Major:
(Master) Architectural Plan Course, Architectural Structure Course, Continued Urban Architectural System International Course.
(PhD) Airspace System Course, Continued Urban Architectural System International Course.
Practical Clinical Psychology is also available as specialized degree program.