There are various projects implemented in the School of Education that are linked to the regional community.
Case 1. Kyushu University School of Education and Itoshima City’s Board of Education Cooperation Venture.
Leaders: Satoru Tanoue, Yukie Oka, Masahiro Takita
On November 15th 2010, Kyushu University School of Education and the Itoshima Board of Education executed an agreement in order to promote cooperation. This cooperative project is designed to promote links to strengthen the regional community’s education and human resources. In order to achieve its goals of encouraging academic education, social education, and educational research, etc. the project relies on maximizing the use of educational resources from both sides.
Based on personal experiences and opinions of schools and citizen halls, the School of Education and Itoshima Board of Education were presented with opportunities to receive assistance in executing its agreement.
Case 2. School Management Short Term Training Program
Leaders: Osamu Yaosaka, Masahiro Motokane, Satoru Tanoue
Modern day school management is expected to have appropriately linked, systematic and flexible management functions and is able to negotiate with existing relation systems. This can be accomplished through promoting education based ideas and opinions, the administrative vision, and regional and school state of affairs. Simultaneously, management should understand issues, demonstrate leadership through assistance and acknowledge the desires of the school’s faculty.
The School of Education, implemented a school management, short-term training program through relations with the Fukuoka Prefecture Board of Education, Fukuoka City Board of Education, and Kitakyushu City Board of Education. The training program was designed to promote the professional expertise of school management and key leaders in education by demonstrating supportive leadership and systematic, flexible management functions.
Case 3. Kyushu University School of Education and Fukuoka Prefecture Education Center Business Cooperation
Leaders: Masahiro Motokane,教育学部社会連携委員会
Kyushu University and the Fukuoka Prefecture Board of Education signed an agreement of cooperation on May 21st, 2002. The School of Education and the Fukuoka Prefecture Education Center became further engaged through a cooperative agreement on March 23rd, 2006. The latter agreement is aimed at revitalizing and improving education through training of faculty and mutually offering resources for investigative research.
An annual conference assembly has been held and established the following: “Practical Education Studies” (latter term) led by supervising educators, Kyushu University seminars for long-term trainees, lectures by supervisors at the university and graduate school, internal training, and proposal assessments.